
Certain functionality appears in valve files over and over, thus we have some common utilities. We only ask that something be promoted to a utility and not born a utility, meaning only create it in the common utilities if it is used in more than one valve feature.


Often we use the SDK to populate a feature with large data sets. Each Asset creation requires its own HTTP request. The SDK leverages Promises to handle the asynchrnous nature of HTTP requests. The web server can only handle a finite number of open requests, so creating 10,000 stories simultanousely will surely cause some 500 error responses. THis is why Throttle was born. Throttle handles a huge number of Promises to be handled by allowing N Promises to process at a time.

Throttle takes an array of functions such that every function returns a Promise. Passing a collection of functions allows the desired ‘work’ of the Promise to be deferred until Throttle is ready for it to occur.

* Only so many HTTP requests can be handled by IIS at once so throttle them!

// There will always be 25 promises in pending
const promisesInFlight = 25;
// Create a array of functions that return a Promise
const promises = [1, 2, ..., 10000].map(i => () => Promise.resolve(i));
// throttler returns a promise when all its inputs have been processed
const resolvedValues = await throttler(promises, promisesInFlight);


Unfortunately there is not a native range function in JavaScript and the best we get is this XD Array.from(Array(n), (_, i) => i); This is not clear and not fun to write.

We often create N stories or change sets. Times is an implementation of range The given an int returns an array of int elements.

//Create thrity stories each with a name
times(30).map(i => v1.create('Story' { Name: i }))

Drop Moment

The SDK Create function returns promise that eventually resolves an object that represents the newly created Asset.

The object contains an id property that is the Oid of the new asset. This oid however is of the form AssetType:Number:Moment. Updating the Asset, executing an operation on that Asset, or relating it to another Asset would require the oid token without the Moment. Therefore we have created a string operation to remove the :Moment from the id.

const story = await v1.create('Story', {});
const changeSet = v1.create('ChangeSet', { PrimaryWorkitems: [dropMoment(story.id)] })


Often we have the name of an Asset in the system and need its oid. This method ensures that when requesting for an oid given an Asset’s Name and it’s AssetType you are “guaranteed” to retrieve an oid. If an Asset of the provided AssetType is found with the provided Name its oid is returned, otherwise an Asset is created with the provided Name and its oid is returned. Note: Many Assets can have the same Name, therefore the first one found is the oid you’ll get back.

const getOidFromName = async (v1, assetType, name, attributes = {}) => {
    if(!assetType || !name) throw new Error('AssetType and name required.');
    const attrs = Object.assign({}, { Name: name }, attributes);
    return await v1.query({
        from: assetType, select: ['Name'], where: { Name: name }
    }).then(assets => assets[0][0] 
                ? assets[0][0]._oid
                : v1.create(assetType, attrs).then(a => dropMoment(a.id))

There are more specific functions that can be used to retrieve an oid given a Story Name. Note: Assets in VersionOne have various Attributes some of which are required to exists. This method will use default values for required Attributes to ensure the Asset can be created, however you can provide your own Attributes that will override the defaults!

If you intend to add a new getAsset to the common utilities please ensure that the default attributes satisfy the requirements for creating an Asset of that type. These methods are intended to psuedo “guarantee” oid retrieval. The required Attributes may vary depending on what version of Meta your instance uses, however this problem has yet to be solved.

export const getScope = async (v1, name, attributes = {}) => {
    const attrs = Object.assign({}, {
        Parent: 'Scope:0',
        //Scheme: schemeOid, what is a default scheme oid?
        BeginDate: '2016-06-28'
    }, attributes);

    return await getOidFromName(v1, 'Scope', name, attrs);

For a consumer using getScope may look like the following:

* v1 is an instance of the SDK
const scopeOid = await getScope(v1, 'scopeName', {
    Scheme: 'Scheme:123',
    Description: 'More Values to use when creating',
    BeginDate: '2050-06-11' //I can override the defaults too!

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