VersionOne SDK

The VersionOne SDK is an open source library. The full documentation can be found at VersionOne.JavaScript.SDK.

The SDK does not directly require a dependency on an AJAX library to make HTTP requests, but instead allows the consumer to choose the library of their choice and pass it as a parameter to the SDK. Valve uses axios.

Valve has a Runner class that contains an authenticate method, that allows calls to be made to a VersionOne system as a specific user of that instance. The following shows how the VersionOne sdk is created:

 const axios = require('axios');
 const v1sdk = require('v1sdk/dist/index');
 const sdk = v1sdk.default;
 const axiosConnector = v1sdk.axiosConnector;
 const { v1Protocol, v1Port, v1Host, v1Instance } = require('./config');

 module.exports = function() {
     const isHttps = v1Protocol === 'https';
     const url = `${v1Protocol}://${v1Host}:${v1Port}/${v1Instance}/`;

     const axiosConnectedSdk = axiosConnector(axios)(sdk);
     const unauthenticatedV1 = axiosConnectedSdk(v1Host, v1Instance, v1Port, isHttps);

      * Defering a call to withCreds allows each valve file determine 
      * which user to perform actions on the behalf of!
     const authenticate = (username, password) => {
             return unauthenticatedV1.withCreds(username, password);
     return { url, authenticate }

In v1.js we create and export an instance of the VersionOne SDK. We read the v1Protocol, v1Port, v1Host, v1Instance from the .env file to create a connection to a specific VersionOne instance. The module returns a function to authenticate and the url being used.

The Runner class can be subclassed by our valve files to enable easy authentication to a VersionOne instance.

module.exports = class Runner {
    constructor() {
         * getV1 is the module exported in v1.js
         * it's invocation returns the authenticate method
        const { url, authenticate } = getV1();
        this.authenticate = authenticate;
        this.rootUrl = url;`==> đź’»  Connecting to the VersionOne instance: ${url}`);

     * The Runner class exposes an authenticateAs method
     * that can be used in a subclass
    authenticateAs(username, password) {
        return this.authenticate(username, password)

An example of a valve feature that inherits from the Runner class may look like:

 * ValveRunner extends Runner
 * allows this class to inherit from Runner
module.exports = class ValveRunner extends Runner {
    async command() {
         * Call this.authenticateAs given a username and password
         * to comunicate with a VersionOne instance
        const v1 = this.authenticateAs('admin', 'admin');


The Create and Update commands provided by the SDK take an object of Attributes. Create takes Attributes that will exist on the new asset, and Update takes Attributes that will modify an existing Asset. The object is structured the same in both cases:

Given the following object as an example:

    Name: 'My Bundle',
    Phase: 'Phase:123',
    ChangeSets: ['ChangeSet:123', 'ChangeSet:456']

The keys are valid Attribute names for a given Asset. The value of each key is valid based on the following:

  1. Scalars: like Name take a string value.

  2. Single-value relation: like Phase takes a string that is a valid Oid of an existing asset.

  3. Multi-value relations: like ChangeSets takes an array. If the array contains string Oids then a relationship is added. This is merely a short hand for { "value": "ChangeSet:123", "act": "add" }
    If you want to remove an asset from the relationship then an object must be in the array that is of the form { "value": "ChangeSet:123", "act": "remove" }


Create has two parameters an AssetType and Attributes:

.create('Bundle', {
    Name: 'My Bundle',
    Phase: 'Phase:123',
    ChangeSets: ['ChangeSet:123', 'ChangeSet:456']


Create has two parameters an Oid of an existing Asset and Attributes:

.create('Bundle:123', {
    Name: 'My Bundle',
    Phase: 'Phase:123',
    ChangeSets: ['ChangeSet:123', 'ChangeSet:456']


Query via the SDK leverages the query.v1 endpoint. The SDK accepts an object That contains these keys: from, select, filter, find.

from: is a valid AssetType to query on
select: is an array of Attributes and Related Assets’ Attributes to include in your projection
filter: is a array of filters to apply to your query
find: is a string that further filters the results

The following is a way to search for all Epics that are not Closed and have a name that begin’s with “My Epic Name” The result set will be an array of objects with the shape described by the select key.

      'from': 'Epic',
      'select': [
      'filter': [
      'find': 'My Epic Name*'


VersionOne provides operations that can be issued on Assets. The SDK allows for those operations to be invoked with an Oid of an existing Asset and the name of the operation. Note: Supported operations are dependent on the AssetType!

v1.executeOperation('Story:123', 'Close')

Beyond the SDK

There are features in VersionOne that are not available through the api and therefore not supported by the SDK. We are going to hack at it!

Let’s take another look at the authenticate method in v1.js:

const authenticate = (username, password) => {
        const v1 = unauthenticatedV1.withCreds(username, password);
         * We create a token for Basic authenticate
         * We create an instance axios with VersionOne instance url
         * and the proper HTTP headers using token for Authorization
        const token = btoa(`${username}:${password}`);
        const instance = axios.create({
                baseURL: url,
                timeout: 5000,
                headers:  {
                    Accept: 'application/json',
                    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
                    Authorization: `Basic ${token}`

        const query = (body) => v1.query(body).then(r =>;
         * setMembersRoles is not supported by the SDK,
         * But knowing the correct url and payload we can do it
         * These features are not supported by
         * VersionOne and are liable to break XD
        const setMemberRoles = (relativeUrl, payload) => instance
            .post(url + relativeUrl, payload)
            .then(res =>;

        * Don't forget to return setMemberRoles
        return {

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