
Node application to pump data into a VersionOne instance.


  1. Installs dependencies
  2. Creates a .env file with default values


Start by installing all dependencies:

npm install


Create a .env file in the root of the application to connect to VersionOne instance:

V1Protocol=       //VersionOne instance's protocol
V1Port=           //VersionOne instance's port
V1Host=           //VersionOne instance's host
V1Instance=       //VersionOne instance's name
V1Username=       //VersionOne instance's user's username
V1Password=       //VersionOne instance's user's password
V1AccessToken=    //VersionOne instance's user's access token


Some scripts require selenium. In a terminal from the Valve directory run

./node-modules/.bin/selenium-standalone install
./node-modules/.bin/selenium-standalone start

Open another terminal window, and within the Valve directory run a Valve script with

./bin/index run ./src/features/daag/index.js

New Features

Valve concentrates on automating features of VersionOne instance as a collection of commands. Therefore the directory structure models this by having a features directory, such that each sub directory is a feature that contains a collection of commands.

Creating new features can be as easy as running:

./bin/index.js template -f <feature> -n <name>
  • -f or --feature Name of directory created under ./src/features
  • -n or --name Name of file created under –feature directory

Directory Structure

|-- .env                        # env vars used to declare VersionOne instance url
|-- valvefile
|-- bin
|   |--index                    # entry point to running commands
|   |--options                  # define the known command line flags
|   |--commands                 # commands that can be run
|-- package.json
|-- README.md
|-- src
|   |-- common                  # constants and fns used by any feature
|   |-- features                # collection of features
|   |   |-- daag                
|   |   |   |-- utils           # constants and fns used by this feature
|   |   |   |   |-- index.js
|   |   |   |-- index.js        # default valve file that can be run by cli
|   |   |   |-- S1234           # valve files that can be run by cli
|   |   |   |-- S2345           # ...

File Anatomy

import throttler from './../../common/throttler';
import times from './../../common/times';
const Runner = require('./../../runner');

module.exports = class ValveRunner extends Runner {
      * Options are passed in from the command line.
      * Enrich your feature by providing command line options
      * Example of usage in ./src/features/member/index.js
    constructor(options) {

     * Command must be marked as async to use await within its scope
    async command() {
        * This function must return a Promise!
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            * Get a reference to the V1 SDK as a user
            const v1 = this.authenticateAs('admin', 'admin');

            const results = v1.query({
                    from: 'PrimaryWorkitem',
                    select: [
                    where: {
                        ID: 'Story:8546'
                .then(response => {
                    //axios stores the results you want in response.data
                }).catch((err) => {
                    reject('error talking with V1');

            * Only so many HTTP requests can be handled by IIS/Web server at once so throttle them!
            const promisesInFlight = 25;
            const promises = times(1000).map(i => () => Promise.resolve(i));
            const resolvedValues = await throttler(promises, promisesInFlight);



When attempting to contribute to this project the following should be added to the .env file:

V1AccessToken=Bearer 1.jA9m1Of4OUnAx/SCuOIGyE8DiCo=


Issues can be found on github issues
Include closes, fixes, or resolves in a commit message to close the issue. For example

git commit -m "This closes #34, and closes #23"

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